Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban! أهلاً وسهلاً ومرحباً

Rest thee awhile, cool thy visage, and replenish thy vessels.

This small online oasis primarily consolidates notes on the Islamic tradition along with non-fiction book reviews in the Reading Tracker, tech insights on software management, productivity, digital resource library building, and a variety of other connective thoughts. This place is a fix-up between a digital garden and a personal Islamic studies index that was partially built out from a previous time. Thus, the notion of an online oasis originated when conceiving of this project, and what is here before you is what it represents.


Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. — Jalaluddin ar-Rumi


I never saw any lamp shining more brilliantly than the lamp of silence. — Bayazid al-Bastami


The real journey is when the world’s dimension is rolled away from you so that you see the Hereafter closer to you than yourself. — Ibn Ata’illah as-Sakandari


Don’t think you are veiled from God by something that is not God. There is nothing besides God. You are veiled from Him by the illusion that there is something other than God. — Ibn Ata’illah as-Sakandari


I marveled at an Ocean without shore,
and at a Shore that did not have an ocean;

And at a Morning Light without darkness,
and at a Night that was without daybreak;

— Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi