Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. — Jalaluddin ar-Rumi

It seems we live in a world where noise drowns out reason and there is this constant yearning for clarity and insight. The soft scientific concepts behind ‘information overload’, ‘cognitive biases’, and the ‘attention economy’ all lends itself into the entrenchment of ‘noise’ we earn each day. At its root, thoughts and by extension words are like seeds we plant in the fertile soil of our minds. Our thoughts possess the extraordinary power to inspire, educate, and transform. Like gentle rain, words can nurture the delicate blossoms of ideas, fostering growth and enlightenment. By capturing these words into notes or through thoughtful dialogue we cultivate a garden of wisdom, where every petal reflects the light of understanding. In contrast, raising our voice in anger and angst is akin to the clap of thunder—loud and attention-grabbing but ultimately fleeting and destructive. Thunder may command immediate attention, but it lacks the nurturing touch necessary for growth. Similarly, loud and aggressive communication often falls on deaf ears, creating barriers rather than bridges.

I never saw any lamp shining more brilliantly than the lamp of silence. — Bayazid al-Bastami

The profound power and value of silence (samt). The lamp is a symbol for light and illumination pointing to knowledge, clarity, and wisdom. Comparing silence to a lamp points to silence being the illuminating factor that reveals truths more effectively than noise or even words. Silence offers us insights, understanding, and clarity that might be obscured by distractions of speech or sound. Silence is not merely the absence of noise but a powerful state that can lead to deeper reflection, wisdom, and inner peace. Sometimes, in the quiet, we can see or understand things more clearly than in the midst of noise and chatter.

Knowledge is a light which God places in the heart; it is not just information compiled in books. — Imam Ash-Shafi’i

True knowledge transcends mere information. In the spiritual sense, knowledge is a divine light that illuminates our hearts, guiding us to deeper understanding and wisdom. Books and information are valuable, but they are only a point of departure. Real knowledge transforms us from within, enlightening our hearts and souls.