Recite 11 times after each fard salah, for a total of 55 times per day.


أَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْمِ اَﻟﻠّﻬُﻢﱠ ﺻَﻞﱢ ﺻَﻼَةً كَاﻣِﻠَﺔً وَﺳَﻠﱢﻢْ ﺳَﻼَﻣًﺎ ﺗَﺎﻣًّﺎ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺳَﻴﱢﺪِﻧَﺎ ﻣُﺤَﻤﱠﺪٍ اَﻟﱠﺬِيْ ﺗَﻨْﺤَﻞﱡ ﺑِﻪِ اﻟْﻌُﻘَﺪُ وَﺗَﻨْﻔَﺮِجُ ﺑِﻪِ اﻟْﻜُﺮَبُ وَﺗُﻘْﻀَﻰ ﺑِﻪِ اﻟْﺤَﻮَاﺋِﺞُ وَﺗُﻨَﺎلُ ﺑِﻪِ اﻟﺮﱠﻏَﺎﺋِﺐُ وَﺣُﺴْﻦُ اﻟْﺨَﻮَاﺗِﻴْﻢِ وَﻳُﺴْﺘَﺴْﻘَﻰ اﻟْﻐَﻤَﺎمُ ﺑِﻮَﺟْﻬِﻪِ اﻟْﻜَﺮِﻳْﻢِ وَﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺁﻟِﻪِ وَﺻَﺤْﺒِﻪِ ﻓِﻲ ﻜُﻞﱢ ﻟَﻤْﺤَﺔٍ وَﻧَﻔَﺲٍ ﺑِﻌَﺪَدِ ﻜُﻞﱢ ﻣَﻌْﻠُﻮْمٍ ﻟَﻚَ


I seek refuge in Allāh from Shayṭān, the rejected one. In the Name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Allāh, send perfect blessings and complete peace, upon our master Muḥammad. By virtue of whom all obstacles are removed, Distress is relieved, Needs are met, Desires are fulfilled and a good end may be achieved, And by virtue of whose noble face clouds may be sent, And [send blessings and peace] upon his Family and Companions, With every movement of the eyes, and every breath, By the number of all things known to You.