Like many other avid readers and closet bibliophiles I created a Goodreads account in the early 2000s, and despite its lack of updates and now archaic tech stack, the site still serves me well. However, I’ve dug myself down into a dark rabbit hole of bookshelves with books I’m uncertain I’ll ever read. At some point I tried to recall every single book I ever read down to my earliest memories of completing a book, and sure enough when I recalled a book and googled the title or searched up the book cover I did remember finishing it. From middle school reads to high school, and all the textbooks and supplementary texts of college and university, I added as many books I could think of. As of 2024, that lands me a a modest ~200 books read. So instead of purging my Goodreads shelves I’m compiling a little booklist here to track down on meta-genre of books no matter its actual genre: those books that actually provided real benefit and inward substance. These are the high impact, high resonance books.

Read 2024:

I set myself the reading challenge from Reading List 25 Intro Islamic Books by to complete by the year’s end God willing.

  1. The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith by Imam Al-Bayhaqi. (Jan 2024)
  2. Compositions of the Companions Poetry in Praise of the Magnificent Messenger ﷺ (Jan 2024)
  3. A Detailing of the Two Creations and the Attainment of the Two Happinesses (Feb 2024)

Past Reading