According to the Maturidi’s the attribute of takwin (bringing into being) is an additiona pre-eternal qualitative attribute within the Divine Essence similar to omnicscience or omnipotence. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically believe in 14 attributes and not 13 as read in Beliefs Pertaining to God (Ilahiyyat) and The Necessary Attributes of Allah.
The attribute of Takwin is the source of all Divine acts, hence, it can be described in differing ways according to what the act is. For example, giving life is called ihya, giving deather is called imaata, and so on.
The 14 necessary attributes would then be:
- Existence (wujūd, وُجود)
- Pre-eternality, Beginninglessness (qidam, قِدَم)
- Sempiternality, Endlessness, (baqā’, بَقاء)
- Otherness, Uniqueness (mukhālafat lil-ḥawādith, مُخالَفَة لِلحَوادِث)
- Self-Subsistence (qiyām bi-l-nafs, قِيام بِالنَّفس)
- Oneness (waḥdāniyya, وَحْدانِيَّة)
- Life (ḥayāt, حَياة)
- Omniscience (ʿilm, عِلم)
- Will (irāda, إِرادة)
- Omnipotence (qudra, قُدْرَة)
- Hearing (samʿ, سَمْع)
- Sight (baṣar, بَصَر)
- Speech (kalām, كَلام)
- Bringing into beoing (takwin)