This is a short bibliography on books that should be read by anyone seeking a deeper and clearer understanding of the Palestine struggle. The list includes an extensive reference that treat the subject of Palestine from a variety of concerns and if read over time would provide a solid grounding on the subject. Reading Edward Said’s book is a must as a starting point then one can delve into Walid Khalidi’s work to be followed by other materials based on the reader’s interests. I will be adding more books to the list in the near future.

  1. The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
  2. The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinians Self-Determination by Edward Said
  3. Jerusalem in History by K. J. Asali
  4. From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem Until 1948 edited by Walid Khalidi
  5. All that Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948 by Walid Khalidi
  6. The Transformation of Palestine edited by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod
  7. Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of “transfer in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948 by Nur Masalha
  8. The Bible and Zionism: Invented Traditions, Archaeology and Post-Colonialism in Israel-Palestine, Nur Masalha
  9. The Palestinian Nakba: Decolonizing History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory, Nur Masalha
  10. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Rashid Khalidi
  11. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood by Rashid Khalidi
  12. Islam and the Problem of Israel by Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi
  13. Rediscovering Palestine by Beshara Doumani
  14. The Palestinians: Eyewitness History of Palestine Under British Mandate by Izzat Tannous
  15. The Obstruction of Peace: The US., Israel, and the Palestinians by Naseer Aruri
  16. Occupation: Israel Over Palestine by Naseer Aruri
  17. The Exile’s Return: The Making of a Palestinian-American by Fawaz Turki
  18. The Birth of Israel: Myth and Realities by Simha Flapan
  19. Zionism and the Palestinians by Simha Flapan
  20. Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine: Brutal Pursuit, Elia Zureik
  21. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History by Norman Finkelstein
  22. Perceptions of Palestine by Kathleen Christison
  23. The Invention of Ancient Israel by Keith W. Whitelam
  24. The Mythic Past: Biblical Archeology and the Myth of Israel by Thomas L. Thompson
  25. Original Sins: Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
  26. Israel: A Colonial-Settler State? Maxime Rodinson
  27. Cult, Ghetto, and State: The Persistence of the Jewish Question, Maxime Rodinson
  28. The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why by Benjamin Beit Hallahmi
  29. King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan by Mary C. Wilson
  30. Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, The Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine by Avi Shlaim
  31. The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir by Lenni Brenner
  32. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
  33. A History of Modern Palestine by Ilan Pappe
  34. The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge, Ilan Pappe
  35. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation, Eyal Weizman
  36. The Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza, Eyal Weizman
  37. The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Scholarship in Israel, Gabriel Piterberg
  38. Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st Century, Edited by Rochelle Davis and Mimi Kirk
  39. The Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq, Derek Gregory
  40. Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice by John Quigley
  41. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Charles Dr. Smith
  42. Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection by Bishara Bahbah
  43. The Passionate Attachment: America’s Involvement with Israel, 1947 to the Present by Ball, George W. and Douglas B.
  44. Peace for Palestine: First Lost Opportunity by Rabbi Elmer Berger
  45. Zionism: The Dream and the Reality: A Jewish Critique by Gary V. Smith
  46. Jews Against Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948 by Thomas A. Kolsky
  47. Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about the US-Israeli Relationship by Paul Findley
  48. They Dare to Speak Out by Paul Findley
  49. The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
  50. Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel by Max Blumenthal
  51. Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America by Jane Hunter
  52. Beyond Occupation: Apartheid, Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Virginia Tilley
  53. To Be an Arab in Israel by Fouzi El-Asmar
  54. The Disinherited: Journal of a Palestinian Exile by Fawaz Turki
  55. Dreams of a Nation: On Palestinian Cinema edited by Hamid Dabashi
  56. Palestine, “…it is something colonial,” by Hatem Bazian
