2 ultimate questions of religion
Religion seeks to address some of the most profound questions that humans can contemplate. Two ultimate questions stand out:
- Who or what is God?
- How does one relate with God?
These questions form the foundation of religious inquiry and practice, guiding believers in their quest for spiritual understanding and connection.
Knowing God and belief
To understand one’s relationship with God, it is essential first to know who God is. Believing in God is the initial step toward establishing this relationship. However, human understanding of God is inherently limited, and complete knowledge of the divine can only be attained if God Himself chooses to reveal it. In Islam, this revelation comes through the Quran, where Allah provides insight into His nature and proximity to His creation.
Divine proximity and relationship
The Quran addresses the closeness of God to His creation, providing reassurance and guidance. The verse (2:186) it states:
[Prophet], if My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I respond to those who call Me, so let them respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be guided.
The main takeaway here, ‘if My servants ask you about Me, I am near.’ This verse underscores God’s accessibility and His willingness to respond to those who seek Him. It emphasizes the intimate relationship that believers can have with God, grounded in the understanding that God is always near and attentive to their needs and supplications. Through this divine communication, believers are encouraged to cultivate a personal and profound connection with God.