According to Imam al-Ghazali in his Jerusalem Epistle, the fourth pillar of Iman is pertains to transmitted reports that affirm the veracity of the Messenger. Out of the four pillars this one specifically pertains to the second testimony in the Shahada, whereas the other three pillars focus on the first testimony. Knowing this pillars is done through ten foundations:
- Affirmation of the resurrection and reckoning.
- Affirmation of the punishment of the grave.
- Affirmation of the questions of Munkar and Nakīr.
- Affirmation of the balance.
- Affirmation of the traverse (ṣirāṭ).
- Affirmation of the creation of paradise (janna).
- Affirmation of the creation of the fire.
- Affirmation of the rulings pertaining to the imām.
- Affirmation of the virtues of the Companions in their hierarchical order.
- Affirmation that an imām’s rule is valid if he fulfills the other conditions, even without piety and knowledge.