Understanding the highest social concern
The Quran (41:33) states:
Who speaks better than someone who calls people to God, does what is right, and says, ‘I am one of those devoted to God’?
The highest social concern, as highlighted in the Quran, is the act of calling others to God while embodying righteous deeds. This principle is articulated in the above verse. This verse underscores the excellence of not only inviting others to faith but also living a life marked by virtuous actions. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exemplified this highest concern by calling to God with deep insight and wisdom, a practice diligently followed by his companions and true believers. By aligning one’s actions with both the call to divine truth and the practice of righteousness, one fulfills the highest form of social concern, contributing to the spiritual and moral upliftment of the community.
6 ways to call to God
Calling others to God can be achieved through six fundamental approaches that embody key aspects of Islamic teaching:
- Sincere concern.
- Good character.
- Mercy.
- Sunna.
- Wisdom.
- Good words.
First, one must exhibit sincere concern, demonstrating genuine care and commitment to the spiritual well-being of others. Second, maintaining good character is crucial, as exemplary behavior serves as a powerful testament to the faith. Third, practicing mercy reflects the compassionate nature of God and encourages others to embrace such benevolence. Fourth, adhering to the Sunna—emulating the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) teachings and actions—provides a practical and relatable framework for living a righteous life. Fifth, employing wisdom ensures that the message is conveyed thoughtfully and effectively, considering the context and sensibilities of those being addressed. Lastly, using good words fosters a positive and inviting atmosphere, making the message of God more appealing and accessible. By integrating these six approaches—sincere concern, good character, mercy, adherence to the Sunna, wisdom, and good words—one can effectively guide others towards a deeper connection with God.
To effectively implement the six ways to call others to God—sincere concern, good character, mercy, adherence to the Sunna, wisdom, and good words—three critical prerequisites must be met:
- Knowledge.
- Guidance.
- Keeping connected to Prophetic teachings.
First, possessing knowledge is essential; one must have a deep understanding of the faith, its teachings, and its principles to convey them accurately and meaningfully. Second, guidance plays a crucial role, as it helps individuals navigate the complexities of spiritual and moral instruction, ensuring that their efforts align with divine wisdom and communal ethics. Lastly, keeping connected to Prophetic teachings is indispensable, as the life and example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provide a clear and practical model for calling others to God. By grounding their efforts in knowledge, seeking continuous guidance, and remaining closely tied to the Prophetic tradition, individuals can effectively and authentically inspire others towards a sincere and righteous path.