Purpose of learning Islamic sciences
The purposes of the Islamic sciences are fundamentally aimed at enabling individuals to learn, live, and be realized in the guidance of the Quran and Sunna in a sound and reliable manner. These sciences provide the framework and methodologies essential for understanding and implementing the teachings of Islam accurately. They ensure that believers can integrate the divine principles into their daily lives while maintaining a deep and authentic connection to the core tenets of their faith. By mastering these sciences, one not only gains knowledge but also achieves a profound realization of the spiritual and ethical guidance offered by the Quran and Sunna.
4 aspects of learning the sunna
There are four sub-genres in the Islamic tradition where one can learn the sunna.
First, the life of the Prophet (seerah) encompasses a comprehensive understanding of his journey from birth to passing.
Second, this includes his Prophetic example (shama’il), which details his description, character, and conduct.
Third, delving into the Prophetic guidance (sunna) involves the daily reading of his teachings through hadith collections. These are collections like 40 Nawawi, Riyadh as-Saliheen, al-Adab al-Mufrad, and al-Targhib wa’l Tarhi.
Fourth, the distinguishing qualities of the Prophet (khasa’is) are those unique attributes that set him apart from anyone else. These are explored in works like Bidayat al-Sul and the writings of Yusuf an-Nabahani.
Understanding these aspects allows for a deeper appreciation of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) exemplary life and his unparalleled contributions to Islamic thought and practice.