All attributes of Divine essence are pre-eternal (qadim). This is concurred upon by both the Ash’ari’s and Maturidi’s.
Are the attributes of Divine acts pre-eternal like the attributes of Divine essence? There is difference regarding attributes of Divine acts.
The Ash’ari’s do not consider the attributes of Divine acts as pre-eternal and deem them to be the effect of Divine omnipotence (qudra). The reasoning is that Allah cannot be called a Creator until after He has created. This point is disputed upon.
The Maturidi’s consider both the attributes of Divine essence and Divine acts to be pre-eternal, and have concluded they see no distinguishment between them. They do no make the categories between Divine essence and acts as a result. The Maturidi’s believe Allah can be called a Creator in pre-eternity as: “the establishment of the attribute of creating, which is takwin, is in His essence in pre-eternity.”