Text Summary
“A Detailing of the Two Creations and the Attainment of the Two Happinesses” (Tafs‘īl al-Nash’atayn wa Ta‘līl al-Sa‘ādatayn) by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Hussein bin Muhammad Al-Mufaddal Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani is a short exploration into the essence of human existence and the purpose of life according to Islamic thought. This text now made accessible to the English-speaking audience through the translation efforts of Lamya Al-Khraisha, offers a short examination of the creation of humanity and the paths to achieving true happiness in both the earthly and eternal realms.
In this book, Al-Raghib Al-Asfahani, a renowned Islamic scholar, delves into the intricacies of human nature, the reasons for our creation, and the ultimate objectives that we are meant to fulfill. The text is structured to guide the reader through a fully thought out understanding of the human soul, its capabilities, and its destined journey towards perfection and divine contentment.
The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre presents this work as part of its English Islam Series (Book Number 33), continuing its mission to disseminate key Islamic texts that contribute to the intellectual and spiritual enrichment of the global Muslim community.
Abu Al-Qasim Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani states:
This work, “The Detailing of the Two Creations and the Attainment of the Two Happinesses,” addresses two key concepts:
- The Two Creations:
- The first creation is referenced in God’s words: “For verily you have known the first creation, why then will you not remember?” (Al-Waqi‘ah, 56:62).
- The second creation, the Afterlife, is indicated in: “Then God will create the subsequent creation. Surely God is powerful to do everything.” (Al-‘Ankabut, 29:20).
- The Two Happinesses:
- The first happiness is mentioned in: “Remember My favour wherewith I favoured you.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:40).
- The second happiness is described in: “But as for those who [by virtue of their past deeds] will have been blest with happiness, [they shall live] in paradise, therein to abide as long as the heavens and the earth endure—unless your Sustainer wills it otherwise—as a gift unceasing.” (Hud, 11:108).
This epistle was written for my honourable teacher, who sought to acquire the humanity that leads to the two happinesses. May God help him benefit from these teachings and achieve both happinesses, understanding their meanings and being mindful of their specifics.
Chapter Outline
Chapter I: Man’s Knowledge of His Soul (5). Understanding the nature and attributes of the human soul.
Chapter II: Mentioning the Different Genuses of Existent Things and Man’s Position In Relation To Them (12). Categorizing existence and defining humanity’s unique position.
Chapter III: The Elements by Which Man Has Come into Existence (16). The fundamental components that constitute human beings.
Chapter IV: The Potentialities that are Gathered in Man (22). Exploring the inherent abilities and capacities within humans.
Chapter V: How Man is Created One Thing After Another Until He Becomes a Complete Human Being (25). The process of human development from conception to completion.
Chapter VI: Man’s Manifestation Amidst Emblematic Existent Things and His Particularization With Some of Their Power Little by Little (31). Human emergence and gradual acquisition of distinctive powers.
Chapter VII: What is the Essence of Human Beings? (35). Defining the core essence and identity of humans.
Chapter VIII: Why Human Beings are Uniquely Created for Both Abodes (39). The dual purpose of human creation for both worldly life and the hereafter.
Chapter IX: Analogies of the Essence of Human Beings and Their Conceptualization (41). Conceptual models to understand human essence.
Chapter X: Human Beings are the Purpose of the Entire World which was Created for Them (52). The central role of humans in the creation of the world.
Chapter XI: The Purpose for Which Human Beings were Created (56). The ultimate objectives of human existence.
Chapter XII: The Disparities Between Human Beings and Their Different Stations (71). Variations in human conditions and statuses.
Chapter XIII: The Reasons for Disparities Between People (76). Causes of differences among individuals.
Chapter XIV: Explaining Prophetic Lineage and Why it is Preferred Over the Rest of Creation (82). The significance and superiority of prophetic lineage.
Chapter XV: How God Guides Everything to its Benefit (86). Divine guidance and its impact on creation.
Chapter XVI: Man’s Happiness & His Inclination Towards It (90). The nature of human happiness and the innate desire to attain it.
Chapter XVII: Man’s State in this World and What He Needs to Take as Provision from It (101). The transient nature of worldly life and necessary provisions for the journey.
Chapter XVIII: The Relationship Between Intelligence and Sacred Law and Their Need for Each Other (110). The interdependence of reason and divine law.
Chapter XIX: On the Virtue of Sacred Law (143). The merits and significance of adhering to sacred law.
Chapter XX: Clarifying that the One Who Does not Practice Sacred Law and Worship His Lord Is Not Human (148). The essentiality of worship and sacred law in defining true humanity.
Chapter XXI: What is Related to Sacred Law From the Actions of Human Beings (155). The correlation between human actions and sacred law.
Chapter XXII: How to Achieve Worship (157). Methods and practices for genuine worship.
Chapter XXIII: The Types of Worship From Knowledge and Action (161). Different forms of worship through intellect and deeds.
Chapter XXIV: The Purpose of Worship Being the Purification of the Soul and Bringing About its Health (165). Worship as a means to purify and heal the soul.
Chapter XXV: Clarifying the Sicknesses and Impurities that Can Only be Removed by Sacred Law (170). Identifying spiritual ailments and their remedies through sacred law.
Chapter XXVI: The Potentialities Whose Sicknesses and Impurities Must be Removed and the Meanings Achieved Through That (180). The capacities requiring purification and their higher meanings.
Chapter XXVII: Man is Naturally Disposed to Rectify His Soul (191). The inherent human inclination towards self-improvement.
Chapter XXVIII: Why Vice is Prevalent in Man and Why He Delays Practicing Virtue (201). Understanding the prevalence of vice and procrastination in virtuous actions.
Chapter XXIX: People’s States and Stations in Acquiring Praiseworthy and Blameworthy Actions and Their Means (210). Differing human conditions in acquiring virtues and vices.
Chapter XXX: How Human Beings Turn Back from the Path of Both Good and Evil (218). The dynamics of human repentance and moral regression.
Chapter XXXI: The Extent Possible to Acquire Happiness (230). The potential and limits of attaining true happiness.
Chapter XXXII: Asserting the Certitude and Virtue of Death and What Follows of Happiness (240). The certainty and virtue of death, and the ensuing eternal happiness.
Chapter XXXIII: The Virtue of Human Beings When They are Honoured Above the Angels (250). The honored status of humans over angels and its implications.