This note may prove particularly useful for dedicated readers interested in how this site publishes its notes.

This site is effectively a personal knowledge base (PKB) on Islamic studies and technology based upon a private local Obsidian vault of the publisher. By utilizing the concept of atomic notes with backlinking and tagging, when all else is working in cohesion, should provide deeper connections and quicker access to the broader concepts covered in this PKB. This thesis can only be proven through the test of time. Hence, at the outset of the project, notes may be completely incoherent or otherwise disjointed.

Generally, this space avoids using transliteration whenever possible since the effort of the busywork involved doesn’t justify the value, especially given the volume of notes inteded to be published over time. However, should transliteration be used on some selecte notes the Brill Arabic-English transliteration system will be used.

For Quran translations, The Qur’an translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem is solely used. It is accessible and coherent, making it suitable for a wide audience. Sticking to a single, well-regarded translation helps maintain full consistency throughout the site.

All typefaces are sourced via Google Fonts.

Below are the colour theme schemes used on this site.

If you spot any errors or have suggestions feel free to submit suggestions to[at], thereafter, a review will take place, in sha Allah.