As part of the intitative, an interfaith dialog between Muslim and Christian scholars at the state level between the Middle East and Britian/Europe, there as been a few reading lists by participating scholars of the respective religions of Islam and Christianity. From among these reading lists is the British Muslim scholar Sh. Abdal Hakim Murad. He categories the recommended books by beginner, intermediate, and advanced. As a small note, this list was published almost 20 years ago, and since then there may be updates to this list which the internet and thus my researching is not privy too.
Abdel, Haleem M. A., trans. The Qurʼan (New York: Oxford UP, 2005).
Du Pasquier, Roger. Unveiling Islam (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1990).
Emre, Yunus. The City of the Heart: Yunus Emre’s Verses of Wisdom and Love. trans. Süha Faiz (Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1992).
al-Haddad, Abdullah. The Book of Assistance (London: Quilliam Press, 1989).
Hammad, Ahmad Zaki. Lasting Prayers of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (Bridgeview, IL: Quranic Literacy Institute, 1996).
Hofmann, Murad Wilfried. Islam: the alternative (Reading: Garnet, 1993).
Ibrahim, Izzedien and Denys Johnson-Davies, trans. Forty Hadith (Beirut, 1983).
Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin. Islam and Peace (New Delhi: Goodword, 1999).
Lawrence, Bruce. The Qur’an: a biography (New York, 2007).
Lings, Martin. Muhammad: his biography based on the earliest sources (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1986).
Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris. The Muslim Marriage Guide (London: Quilliam, 1995).
Masri, Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmad. Animal Welfare in Islam (3rd ed. Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 2007).
Murad, Abdal Hakim. Muslim Songs of the British Isles, Arranged for Schools (London: Quilliam Press, 2005).
al-Nawawī, Yaḥyā Ibn-Šaraf. Al-Maqasid: Imam Nawawi’s Manual of Islam. trans. Noah H. Keller (Evanston: Sunna Books, 1994). English translation and appendices by Sheikh Noah Ha Mim Keller.
Schleifer, Aliah. Mary the Blessed Virgin of Islam (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1998).
Shalabi, Abdul Wadod. Islam Religion of Life (London: Quilliam Press, 1990).
Stockton, Peter. Transcending Jerusalem (Stockton, 2008). Web.
Tawfiq, Idris. Gardens of Delight: A Simple Introduction to Islam (London: Stacey International, 2007).
Winter, Tim, and John A. Williams. Understanding Islam and the Muslims: The Muslim Family and Islam and World Peace (Louiville KY: Fons Vitae, 2002).
Wolfe, Michael. The Hadj: an American’s pilgrimage to Mecca (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1993).
Wolfe, Michael, ed. Taking Back Islam: American Muslims Reclaim their Faith (New York: Rodale, 2002).
Yusuf, Hamza. The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi (Hayward CA: Zaytuna, 2007).
Akhtar, Shabbir. A Faith for All Seasons: Islam and the challenge of the modern world (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1990).
al-Akiti, Shaykh Muhammad Afifi. Defending the Transgressed by Censuring the Reckless against the Killing of Civilians (U.K.: Aqsa Press, and Germany: Warda Publications, 2005).
Asad, Muhammad. The Message of the Quran (new edition, London: The Book Foundation, 2008).
Ayub, Muhammad. Understanding Islamic Finance (New York: Wiley, 2008).
Burckhardt, Titus. Art of Islam: language and meaning. Commemorative edition (Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2009).
Esposito, John and Mogahed, Dalia. Who Speaks for Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think (New York: Gallup Press, 2007).
Hallaq, Wael B. Islamic Legal Theories: an introduction to Sunni usul al-fiqh (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997).
al-Hanbali, Ibn Rajab. The Compendium of Knowledge and Wisdom (London: Turath Publishing, 1428/2007).
Helminski, Camille Adams. Women of Sufism: a Hidden Treasure (Boston: Shambala, 2003).
Izetbegovic, Alija. Islam between East and West (Indianapolis: American Trust Publications, 1984).
al-Jawziyya, Ibn Qayyim. The Invocation of God: al-Wabil al-Sayyib min al-Kalim al-Tayyib. Tr. Michael Abdurrahman Fitzgerald and Moulay Youssef Slitine (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 2000).
Kamali, Mohammed Hashim. The Dignity of Man: An Islamic Perspective (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 2002).
Legenhausen, Muhammad. Islam and Religious Pluralism (London: Al-Hoda, 1999).
Lumbard, Joseph E.B. ed. Islam, Fundamentalism, and the Betrayal of Tradition (Bloomington IN: World Wisdom, 2004).
Mahmutcehagic, Rusmir. The Mosque: the heart of submission (Fordham: Fordham University Press, 2007).
Momen, M. An Introduction to Shii Islam (London: George Ronald, 1999).
Roald, Anne Sofie. Women in Islam: the Western experience (London: Routledge, 2001).
Sheikh, Aziz and Gatrad, Abdul Rashid. eds. Caring for Muslim Patients. Second edition (Abingdon: Radcliffe, 2008).
Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubayr. Hadith Literature: its origin, development and special features (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1993).
Tura, M. Nusret. The Path of Love (Istanbul: Insan, 2008).
Winter, Timothy. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Yaran, Cafer S. Understanding Islam (Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 2007).
- Açar, Halil Rahman. Is Scientific Knowledge Rational? (Istanbul: Insan, 2008).
- Açıkgenç, Alparslan. Being and Existence in Sadra and Heidegger (Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 1993).
- Akhtar, Shabbir. The Quran and the Secular Mind: A Philosophy of Islam (London: Routledge, 2007).
- Bakar, Osman. Classification of Knowledge in Islam (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1998).
- Hacinebioglu, Ismail Latif. Does God Exist? Logical foundations of the cosmological argument (Istanbul: Insan, 2008).
- Iskenderoglu, Muammer. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and Thomas Aquinas on the Question of the Eternity of the World (Leiden: E.J.W. Brill, 2002).
- Jackson, Sherman A. On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s Faysal al-Tafriqa (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2002).
- Kamali, Muhammad Hashim. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1997).
- Koshul, Basit Bilal and Kepnes, Steven, eds. Scripture, Reason and the Contemporary Islam-West Encounter: Studying the ‘Other’, Understanding the ‘Self’ (New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
- al-Misri, Ibn Naqib. Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law. Trans. Nuh Keller (Beltsville: Amana, 1993).
Murad, Abdal Hakim. Bombing without Moonlight: the Origins of Suicidal Terrorism (Bristol: Amal Press, 2008).
Murata, Sachiko. The Tao of Islam: a sourcebook on gender relationships in Islamic thought (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992).
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein and Leaman, Oliver, eds. History of Islamic Philosophy (New edition. London: Routledge, 2001).
al-Said, Labib. The Recited Koran: a history of the first recorded version (Princeton: Darwin Press, 1975).
Sentürk, Recep. Narrative Social Structure: Anatomy of the Hadith Transmission Network 610-1505 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005).
al-Shafi’i. Al-Shafi’i’s Risala: Treatise on the Foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence. tr. Majid Khadduri (Repr. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1987).
Shihadeh, Ayman, ed. Sufism and Theology (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007).
Shihadeh, Ayman. The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (Leiden: E.J.W. Brill, 2006).
Yazdi, Mehdi Ha’iri. The Principles of Epistemology in Islamic Philosophy (Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 1992).