Acquiring and Preserving Khashiya
Khashiya in Islam is simply defined as, ‘a deep sense of awe and reverence towards God.’
To acquire and preserve khashiya, four crucial aspects must be attended to:
- Knowledge.
- Knowing who is God.
- Knowing what come from God of guidance.
- Reminders and admonitions.
Firstly, knowledge plays an essential role. This includes not only knowing who God is but also understanding the guidance that has come from Him. Secondly, frequent reminders and admonitions are vital in sustaining this awareness. Without consistent reminders of who God is and what He has revealed, it is easy for one to forget. These reminders often come from regular connection and association with spiritual teachings through the Quran and Sunna as taught by the righteous. Such engagement helps cultivate a continual remembrance of God’s greatness and His guidance. Lastly, admonitions—encouragements and warnings—serve to motivate and keep one aligned with the path of righteousness. These admonitions help reinforce the importance of striving for and maintaining a state of khashiya, ensuring that one’s reverence and awe for God remain undiminished.
True Tasawwuf vs. False Tasawwuf
True tasawwuf encompasses all the elements discussed above: a genuine turning towards God, cultivating awe and reverence (khashiya), and striving for spiritual excellence through knowledge, sincere action, and continuous remembrance of God. It involves a deep, inner transformation aimed at achieving real taqwa and a deep connection with the Divine.
In contrast, false tasawwuf focuses on superficial practices such as dancing or sleeping at tombs, which lack the substantive spiritual growth and inner purification that true tasawwuf aims to achieve. Such outward forms of fluff detract from the authentic pursuit of spirituality and the inner dimensions of faith.