Ibn Ajiba's The Book of Ascension to the Essential Truths of Sufism
Piety (taqwa) is to keep the commandments and avoid transgressions both inwardly and outwardly. For the generality of the faithful, piety is to avoid sins; for the elect, it is to rid oneself of faults; and for the elect of the elect it is to be absent from all but God by keeping the soul in the presence of the knower of the unseen.
According to differing views of traditional Arabic grammarians, this word comes either from the root w-q-y or t-q-y. Both carry the meaning of “caution, taking precautions, or being protected against something.” Verbal and nominative forms of tis root occur about 260 times in the Quran.
Sidi Abdal Wahid Ibn 'Ashir said:
The summation of taqwa is avoiding prohibitions and fulfilling injunctions both inwardly and outwardly. By that it is achieved.
Imam Al-Jurjani said:
Linguistically it means “ward off”. In other words, it is to take precaution. According to the scholars of truth it is to protect oneself from the punishment of Allah by obedience to Him. It is to guard the self from Allah’s punishment due to either omission of a right action or commission of a wrong action. What is intended in one’s obedience is sincerity.
Imam al-Birgivi said:
Taqwa linguistically means to shield or carefully guard something. But it is not a passive sort of watchfulness, but rather a full, complete, careful, and comprehensive guarding of a thing.
From Al-Birgivi’s Tariqa Muhamadiyya the following lessons are derived:
Taqwa is the concern within one to refrain from what is displeasing to Allah and preserve what is pleasing to Him. It manifests itself upon our limbs, but it begins from the heart.
Taqwa is the foundational theme of the Qur’an and is the key to unlocking its highest aim: realizing and attaining closeness to Allah Most High. The actualization of taqwa will fill our otherwise meaningless ritual acts with life and essence.
Generally, taqwa means guarding oneself and avoiding everything harmful in the hereafter. At its minimum, it involves avoiding associating partners with Allah. The highest level of taqwa is guarding the the innermost aspect from distractions other than Allah, being completely devoted and in love with Him. This love entails giving one’s entirety to Allah, making one heedless of the world and wholly focused on the Creator. This is the mindfulness Allah commands us to have as He deserves.
Specifically, taqwa is guarding oneself in action and speech against anything warranting punishment in the hereafter. At a minimum, it means avoiding major sins, while at its maximum, it means steering clear of even the “grey areas” in religious matters.
The Prophet said:
The halal is clear and the haram is clear. And between them are unclear matters that most people are unaware of. Whoever is wary of these unclear matters has safeguarded their religion and honor. And whoever indulges in them has indulged in haram. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
Ideal taqwa means heeding the Prophet’s words: avoiding acts that could potentially lead to haram. A person with taqwa seeks clarity on unclear matters. Overcome ignorance with the light of knowledge by continuing your journey of seeking and expanding your insight.