This note supports the Argument for the Contingency of the World, which supports the rational proofs for the Existence (Wujud) of Allah. As a follow up see: The Emergence of the World,

Creation is: any thing that changes or has the possibility to change. Thus, the must be proof for that change. Ultimately, this is the Creator.

Emergent: things beginning to exist.

Did God need to create life, the universe, and everything in it? God does not need to create anything, He is free from all need. No. Therefore, it is all possible for Him to create. However, we are currently contingently necessary. Meaning, one must necessarily exist due to something else existing which is God. Therefore, one will always be contingently necessary due to the Necessary Existent.

Existence for a thing is either a rational necessity, an impossibility, or a possibility.

If existence were rationally necessary for something, then this thing exists by virtue of what it is. And it is impossible for it to not-exist, for otherwise an absurdity would ensue. The only necessary existent is Allah. This is also why Allah is called ‘the Necesssary Being’ or ‘Necessary Existent.’

If existence were rationally impossible for something, then this thing is non-existent by virtue of what it is. And it is necessary for this thing to not-exist, for otherwise an absurdity would ensue. For example: the existence of a seven-faced cube. A cube is a six-faced shape by virtue of what it is. So a seven-faced cube is in fact a seven-faced six-faced shape which is an absurdity.

If existence were only rationally possible for something, then this thing accepts both existence and non-existence by virtue of what it is. Necessarily then, if this possible thing actually exists, this means it acquired this existence from something else. Since the thing whose existence is not by virtue of what it is, must exist by virtue of what is other than it. For this reason, possible existents are called contingents.

All contingents are also emergents because they were brought into existence by the being who granted them existence.

It should be clear that anything that actually exists, either exists necesarrily or contingently. If its existence was not granted to it by something else, then it exists necessarily. If its existence was granted to it by something else, then it exists contingently.

Change is a proof of creation because the Islamic theologian’s claim is that: everything outside of God has an origination and is dependent on Him. The proof of this is that every thing is subject to change. See: Proof for Change in Creation.