According to Imam al-Ghazali in his Jerusalem Epistle, the second pillar of Iman one must learn is knowing God’s attributes. This is done through learning ten foundations:

  1. Knowledge that God is living (ḥayyān).
  2. Knowledge that God is knowing (ʿālimān).
  3. Knowledge that God is all-powerful (qādirān).
  4. Knowledge that God is volitional (muridān).
  5. Knowledge that God is hearing (samīʿān).
  6. Knowledge that God is seeing (baṣīrān).
  7. Knowledge that God is speaking (mutakalimān).
  8. Knowledge that God is transcendently beyond being incarnate in any contingent thing.
  9. Knowledge that God’s speech (kalām) is beginningless (qadīm).
  10. Knowledge that God’s knowledge (ʿilm) and will (irāda) are beginningless (qadīm).