The Aphorisms or Hikam is one of the most celebrated works of Ibn Ata’illah
There are various English translations of this text, I will provide here
- Ibn ‘Ata’illah’s Sufi Aphorisms (Kitab al-hikam) by Victor Danner. A 1973 Brill publication with a foreword by Martin Lings.
- The Book Of Wisdoms [Kitab al-Hikam with Ikmal al-Shiyam]. A Collection of Sufi Aphorisms with a Commentary by Shaykh ‘Abdullah Gangohi. Translation of the Hikam by Victor Danner Commentary. Edited by Andrew Booso & Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf.
- The Book of Aphorisms Being a translation of Kitāb al-Ḥikam by Ibn ‘Aṭā’illāh al-Iskandarī. Translated by Muhammed Nafih Wafy. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur.
- Al-Hikam (Aphorisms). The Matheson Trust.