Ismail Khan🌴
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Love for the Prophetic Household
On the Meaning and Reality of Love for the Prophet ﷺ From Ash-Shifa
Our Responsibilities Towards the Prophet ﷺ
The Clear Light (Al-Nur al-Mubin)
Establishing the Existence of God
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah
Argument for Intelligent Design
Argument for the Contingency of the World
Attribute of Takwin (To Bring Into Being)
Belief is Legally Obligatory
Beliefs Pertaining to Eschatology
Beliefs Pertaining to God (Ilahiyyat)
Body (jism), Accident ('Arad), Atoms (Jawahir)
Causality and Islamic Occasionalism
Eternality of Attributes in Divine Essence and Divine Acts
Existence (wujūd, وُجود)
Importance of the Science of Beliefs
Judgements, Rulings and Their Types
Legal and Moral Responsibility (Taklif)
Necessity and Contingency
Non-Cognitivism and Emotivism
Proof for Change in Creation
Proof for the Emergence of Bodies (Burhan Huduth al-Ajsam)
Review List of Aqidah Tahawiyyah
The Ashari and Maturidi
The Atharis
The Conformist (Muqallid)
The Emergence of the World
The Mu'tazila
The Name Allah - Definition and Derivation
The Necessary Attributes of Allah
The Necessity for Theology
The Necessity of Knowing Allah
The Necessity of Knowing Allah and Role of Revelation and Reason
The Rational Rulings (Hukm Aqli)
The Subject of Beliefs
Theology - Definition and Names
Two Types of Divine Attributes
Types of Evidence (Daleel)
Why are Attributes of Allah Necessary?
Methodology of Islam
3 Core Islamic Beliefs
Affirming the Divine
Asking the People of Remembrance
Authority of the Sunna
Belief - Relationship with Allah
Confirmations of Revelation
Connecting to the Sunna
Definitions of Sunna
Definitions of the Quran
Early Hadith Narrators
Elements of the Method of the Path
Enemies to the Spiritual Path
Expression Social Concern
Forms and Realities of Spiritual Excellence
Introduction: How Islam Works
Knowing the Prophets
Methodology of Interpretation
Nearness of Allah
Paths of Belief
Preservation of the Quran
Principles on the Spiritual Message of Islam
Quran as the Final Revelation
Reality of Religion
Realizing Nearness
Reason and Defence of Theology
Religion as Belief and Practice
Religion is Sincere Concern
Scholarly Differences
Scholars and Laymen
Schools of Islamic Law
Sincere Submission
Social Concern
Spiritual Concern
Spread of Islam
Submission to God
Supporting Concerns of Belief
The Book of Allah
The Condition of Spirituality
The Essence of Spirituality
The Hadith
The Hadith Corpus & Sciences
The Hadith of Electhood
The Highest Social Concern
The Mainstream
The Message of the Sunna
The Perfection of Religion
The Promise of the Path
The Reality of Spirituality
The Result of Spirituality
The Seeker and the Path
The Spiritual Path is Subtle
The Sunna
The Wisdom
Theology and Realization
Theology on God
Those Who Can Deduce
Transcendence (tanzih)
Transmission of Prophetic Teachings
Transmitted Beliefs
Verses that Clarify Divinity
Written Preservation
The Sum of Knowledge And Its Principles
Hadith of the Perfumer and the Blacksmith
The Substitutes (Al-Abdal)
Basic Nahw Terms for Memorization
Irab in Arabic
Mudaf Mudaf-Ilahyi
Nominal and verbal sentences
Ana Ahmad bila mini
Particles of Dust Fall Off Your Sandals
10 Principles for the Student by Imam al-Ghazali
25 Foundational Books on Islam by
A Detailing of the Two Creations and the Attainment of the Two Happinesses
Abdul Wahhab al-Tazi
Adhan and Dua after it
Al-Hikam by Ibn Ata'illah
Al-Raghib al-Isfahani
As-Salatul Mashishiyyah (الصَّلَاةُ المَشِيشِيَّةُ)
Atomic Notes
Biography: Ahmad ad-Dardir
Compositions of the Companions: Poetry in Praise of the Magnificent Messenger ﷺ
Dr. Hatem Bazians Palestine Reading List
Dr. Timothy Winter Reading List
Dua after Dhikr
Dua for Studying
Foundation of God's Acts
Foundation of God's Attributes
Foundation of the Veracity of the Messenger
Foundations of God's Essence
Hasan al-Basri
Hasbunallah Dhikr (حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّه)
Hizb al-Bahr (حِزْبُ الْبَحْرِ)
Introduction to Al-Wirdul Aam Commentary
Introduction to Islamic Creed by Ibrahim al-Bajuri
Islamic Honorifics and Digital Typing
Latifiyyah (اَلْلَّطِيْفِيَّةُ)
List of Public Domain Literary Resources
Meaning of As-Salatul Mashishiyyah
Meaning of Salat Al-Taaziyya
Muhammad A Very Short Introduction by Johnathan A.C. Brown
Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources Martin Lings
On the Israeli Demand for Recognition of a Jewish State by Sari Nusseibeh
Quest for the Red Sulphur - The Life of Ibn ʻArabī
Qunūt al-Nawāzil - The Supplication of Solidarity in Times of Crisis
Recommended Reading List of Dr. Joseph Lumbard
Salat Al-Taaziyya (صلاة التازية)
Salatul Tibiyya (صلاة الطبية)
Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart
Syllogistic logic (qiyas al-mantiq)
Tafsir and Ta'wil
Text: Kharida al-Bahiyya
The Content of Character - Ethical Sayings of Prophet Muhammad
The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi by Imam At-Tahawi
The First Obligation - To Know Allah
The Forty Books of the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya Ulum Ad-Din)
The Light of Sight - A Concise Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Sayyid Al-Nas
The Monk of Mokha by Dave Eggers - A Journey Through Yemen
The Prayer of Need (Salah Al-Haja)
The Prayer of Repentance (Salah al-Tawba)
The Prophet's Night Journey and Heavenly Ascent by Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki
The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith by Imam Al-Bayhaqi
The Two Testimonies of Faith
Types of Interpretation in Quranic Exegesis
Unity (Wahdaniyya)
Wird al-Aam (اَلْوِرْدُ الْعَام)
Ya Nafsu – Oh My Soul
Classification of Shariah Legal Rulings
Expiation of Obligatory Prayers and Fasts
Sufi Lexicon
Certainty (yaqin)
Conversion (inaba)
Effacement and subsistence (fana' wa baqa')
Fear (khawf)
Gnosis (ma'rifa)
Hope (raja')
Imam al-Haddad on Scrupulousness (wara')
Integrity (istiqama)
Miserliness (bukhl)
Patience (sabr)
Piety (taqwa)
Repentance (tawba)
Scrupulousness (wara')
Sensory (al-hiss)
Sufism (tasawwuf)
Suhba al-Saliheen
The knowledge of certainty, the eye of certainty, and the truth of certainty (ilm al-yaqin, ayn al-yaqin, wa haqq al-yaqin)
10 Principles of Tasawwuf (Iqadh al-Himam)
10 Principles of Tasawwuf Summarized
Discourses on Shadhili Sufism
Foundations of the Spiritual Path
Al-Mustafa ﷺ
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Jan. 10th 2025
Al-Hikam by Ibn Ata'illah
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